So many people think yoga isn’t for me. They think they aren’t fit or flexible enough. The truth is that the practice of yoga is for everyone.
The poses, or asanas, are only one limb in yoga.
The practice of yoga also includes breathwork, or pranayama. Fast moving and advanced poses do have their place and purpose. Yet, there is also a place and purpose for a slow moving practice that links breath to movement.
In fact, starting slow is the best way to learn to connect with your body and what is inside you.
You already have inside you all the tools you have to find peace and happiness. The first step in accessing those tools is to stop moving and observe.
The yoga of breathing (pranayama) is a great place to start. No matter where you are today, if you are reading this, you are breathing.
Start small, right here, right now.
Stop reading, look away from the screen and observe your breath for a few moments.